About Me

Josiah Winslow

Josiah not only likes coding and web development, but he also likes talking in the third person.

Josiah Winslow is a hobbyist programmer and amateur web developer from Wisconsin. He is the creator of the Pelicanizer, a tool for creating “blackout poetry” from social media posts.

He has taken courses at Milwaukee Area Technical College on Java, C#, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. After graduating with an associate’s degree in the IT Web and Software Developer program in 2022, he has retained all but the SQL-related stuff.

He makes various programs in his spare time, and likes to tinker with many different platforms. For example, he’s developed not one, but two apps for the Tidbyt, a retro-style smart display he purchased on a whim.

He’s done some other things, too, but they’re honestly less important.